Bosphorus in English
Since we started out in 2002 our main goal has been consistent – to create nourishing, well tasting and sustainable ready meals. It all began with a small catering operation in our family home in Stockholm. Our niche was to cook modern dishes based on ancient recipes from the Eastern Mediterranean. We can call ourselves pioneers in Sweden in fresh Mediterranean ready meals.

One producer – thousand flvours
Over the years we have continued to create unique food concepts that conveys quality of life. Today Bosphorus food cluster is a complete supplier with a wide variety of ready meal products which are distributed all over Sweden.
The formats of our products vary from small delipacks, portion servings and larger family pack to wraps and bowls. No matter the package or size, the extra added love to the list of ingredients is always the same.
You find our ready meals in grocery stores and supermarkets all around Sweden. If you wish to mix and choose yourself from our around 60 delicatessen dishes, you find these as well in deli counters across the country. Our catering service is based on this large assortment of dishes as well. Interested? Give us a call or check it out here on the homepage.
And you are of course always welcome to Bosphorus Meze Store located in Hötorgshallen in the center of Stockholm!
Quality and sustainability over time
”Food production is one of the largest emissions of carbon dioxide in the world. This is natural as it is a basic need but at the same time an equally important issue to adress urgently. To make sure the carbon dioxide foot print from our production and the raw material we buy is as small as it possible, we started a comprehensive sustainability management in 2019.
We will work hard to accommodate the requirements and wishes from our customers and end consumers when it comes to health and environmental issues related to our production of ready meals. This is not only a service but also fundamental to meet global and national goals concerning a sustainable future for living and coming generations.”
/Serdar Öztenar, VD

Bosphorus is certified according to FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification 22000), a combination of ISO 22000:2018, ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 with supplements of FSSC 22000 krav (version 5). This means that there are clearly developed guidelines for how quality management should be conducted and developed at Bosphorus.

We are constantly working on the development of nutritional content, raw materials, ingredients and, not least, that the additives must be reviewed against the EU’s organic list. We have developed our own guidelines regarding GMOs (industrially produced trans fats and flavor enhancers such as glutamate). Instead, we invest in plant-based dishes where the ingredients are locally grown and KRAV-labelled.

We have control over all parts of the food chain and take great care in securing every link in the process. The origin of the raw material is checked by carefully selected suppliers, we process all food in our own food facility and we work actively with developed guidelines to prevent health hazards. Product safety is something we are proud of!

Bosphorus now counts as one of the middle sized producers within the segment fresh chilled ready-meals. Our long term assignment, to build a secure food business establishment and a production of high standards och quality, reflects in our product range. Bosphorus food cluster has the best conditions to shoulder a significant role in the development towards a sustainable future of food production.
It is our strong belief that partnership, dialogue and quality goes hand in hand. Together with awesome coworkers and partners we have created an oasis of fresh food full of love and passion.
Welcome aboard our food journey!
/Serdar Öztenar, VD
Bosphorus matkluster proud sponsors to:

Official Partner, Partner Samhällsmatchen, Official Meal supplier to Hammarby Fotbolls Damer

Bosphorus is an Official Partner to Hammarby Fotboll and also the main supplier of meals to Hammarby Fotboll Women.
Bosphorus är Officiell Partner till Hammarby och även huvudleverantör av mat till Hammarbys damer.
Samhällsmatchen is the the collective name on all initiatives in community and society outside the locker room. The project focus on three main areas: Health, Occupation and Equality. These goals have been defined based on The 17 Global Goals set up by the UN:
- Good health and wellbeing (Goal 3)
- Decent work and economic growth (Goal 8)
- Reduced inequalities (Goal 10)
Read more about Samhällsmatchen och the work Hammarby Football is doing.